Thursday, September 16, 2010

Install ntop - easy as 123!

How do I install ntop under Debian / Ubuntu Linux?

These commands for installing ntop also works perfectly Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.


Type the following commands, enter:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ntop

Set ntop admin user password

Type the following command to set password, enter:
# /usr/sbin/ntop -A
$ sudo /usr/sbin/ntop -A
Sample output:

Fri DD 11 14:36:52 YYYY  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default Fri DD 11 14:36:52 YYY  Initializing gdbm databases  ntop startup - waiting for user response!  Please enter the password for the admin user: [Type-yourPassord] Please enter the password again:  [Type-yourPassord] Fri Jul DD 14:36:59 YYYY  Admin user password has been set

Restart ntop service

Type the following command, enter:
# /etc/init.d/ntop restart
Verify ntop is working, enter:
# netstat -tulpn | grep :3000
ntop by default use 3000 port to display network usage via webbrowser.

How do I view network usage stats?

Type the url:


Network is the best tool, to help you monitor network traffic. Its just amazing!

Install ntop - easy as 123!

How do I install ntop under Debian / Ubuntu Linux?

These commands for installing ntop also works perfectly Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.


Type the following commands, enter:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ntop

Set ntop admin user password

Type the following command to set password, enter:
# /usr/sbin/ntop -A
$ sudo /usr/sbin/ntop -A
Sample output:

Fri DD 11 14:36:52 YYYY  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default Fri DD 11 14:36:52 YYY  Initializing gdbm databases  ntop startup - waiting for user response!  Please enter the password for the admin user: [Type-yourPassord] Please enter the password again:  [Type-yourPassord] Fri Jul DD 14:36:59 YYYY  Admin user password has been set

Restart ntop service

Type the following command, enter:
# /etc/init.d/ntop restart
Verify ntop is working, enter:
# netstat -tulpn | grep :3000
ntop by default use 3000 port to display network usage via webbrowser.

How do I view network usage stats?

Type the url:


Network is the best tool, to help you monitor network traffic. Its just amazing!

What to look for in an EMR

Just saw this and thought of sharing.

What to look for in an EMR

Today, EMR systems are finally living up to the promise of ease-of-use and increasingly can run on small devices and over wireless networks—two areas that have traditionally impeded physician adoption of the systems. However, buyer beware: Much-needed consolidation hasn’t yet occurred in the EMR vendor space. There are scores of small, unproven EMR vendors dying to get your business. Don't consider them, however, if they only have a few clients. Go with a company that you believe is going to be around for a while.

As far as EMR features and functions are concerned, think easy, fast, portable, and flexible. Some things to look for in an EMR system include:

Quick searching and navigating

Quick links to the Internet

Intuitive user interface requiring minimal training

Automatic alerts and reminders (for example, for drug interactions or test scheduling)

Clinical dashboards that consolidate information for the provider, including messages, test results, and patient records

Template editor tools to help physicians easily create their own progress notes templates

Outcomes reporting

Clinical decision-support tools and information

Support for multiple data input modalities, such as Tablet PCs, keyboard, digital ink, and voice

Support for open standards, such as Extensible Markup Language (XML), to support interoperability

Mobile and wireless technologies to enable integration with Tablet PCs, personal digital assistants (PDAs), and phones

Electronic prescription support

I got it from this link