How do I install ntop under Debian / Ubuntu Linux?
These commands for installing ntop also works perfectly Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala.
Type the following commands, enter:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install ntop
Set ntop admin user password
Type the following command to set password, enter:
# /usr/sbin/ntop -A
$ sudo /usr/sbin/ntop -A
Sample output:
Fri DD 11 14:36:52 YYYY NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default Fri DD 11 14:36:52 YYY Initializing gdbm databases ntop startup - waiting for user response! Please enter the password for the admin user: [Type-yourPassord] Please enter the password again: [Type-yourPassord] Fri Jul DD 14:36:59 YYYY Admin user password has been set
Restart ntop service
Type the following command, enter:
# /etc/init.d/ntop restart
Verify ntop is working, enter:
# netstat -tulpn | grep :3000
ntop by default use 3000 port to display network usage via webbrowser.
How do I view network usage stats?
Type the url:
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